Selection of Videos about Sinuses

Risks and Aftercare for a Septoplasty

Understanding the risks of septoplasty is crucial before undergoing the procedure. In this video, we discuss the potential complications, such as infection, bleeding, and changes in nasal shape. Knowing these risks helps you make an informed decision and prepare for the surgery. Post-operative care is equally important to ensure a smooth recovery.

Watch to see essential tips on how to look after yourself, reduce risks, and promote healing after your septoplasty.

Prof Vik Veer discusses how to the risks of septoplasty

Empty Nose Syndrome

Understanding Empty Nose Syndrome (ENS) is essential. This video highlights the risks and symptoms of ENS, which may occur after nasal surgery. Prof Vik Veer explains his theory on how ENS occurs and how to treat it.

Watch to see the video.

Prof Vik Veer discusses how to treat empty nose syndrome

Nose Bleed Video

Knowing first aid for nosebleeds is crucial. In this video, "10 Ways to Stop a Nose Bleed - A Surgeon Explains," we'll cover essential techniques to manage and stop nosebleeds effectively. Having these skills can prevent complications, reduce anxiety, and ensure timely care for yourself or others. By understanding and applying these methods, you're equipped to handle common emergencies with confidence.

Watch this video to understand what you need to do.

Prof Vik Veer discusses how to treat nose bleeds

Watch a Septoplasty Operation

Understanding the steps involved in a septoplasty operation is vital. This video takes you through the procedure, showing how it corrects a deviated septum to improve breathing and nasal function. Knowing the surgical process helps you prepare mentally and physically. Awareness and proper care are essential for optimal results after a septoplasty

Watch this video to see a Septoplasty Operation.

Prof Vik Veer discusses how to do a septoplasty operation

Treating Sinusitis

nasal sinuses CT of sphenoid sinus CT of nasal polyps CT of normal sinuses CT after removal of polyps

Sinusitis, also known as rhinosinusitis, is an infection or inflammation of the sinuses—air-filled spaces within the bones of the face. These sinuses can become blocked and fill with pus when infected, leading to discomfort and other symptoms. Sinusitis can be categorized into acute, lasting a few days to weeks, or chronic, persisting for months or even years. The condition typically arises from bacterial, viral, or fungal infections, and can also be associated with allergies, nasal polyps, or structural abnormalities in the nasal passages.

Symptoms of Sinusitis
Patients with sinusitis often experience a blocked nose, which can cause difficulty breathing. A hallmark sign is the discharge of pus from the nose, which can be yellow or green and may drain either through the nostrils or down the back of the throat. This discharge can lead to a sore throat or bad breath. Facial pain is another common symptom and can vary in location depending on the affected sinuses—pain may be felt between the eyes (ethmoid sinuses), over the cheekbones (maxillary sinuses), or in the forehead (frontal sinus). In some cases, the pain is located at the top of the head, suggesting involvement of the sphenoid sinus. This pain typically worsens when leaning forward. Another significant symptom is the loss of the sense of smell (anosmia), which can result in food tasting bland or unappealing.

Treatment of Sinusitis
Treating sinusitis depends on its duration and severity. For those with acute sinusitis, treatments may include nasal saline washes, over-the-counter decongestants, and pain relievers. Antibiotics may be prescribed if a bacterial infection is suspected. Chronic sinusitis, on the other hand, often requires a combination of treatments, including prolonged courses of antibiotics, nasal corticosteroid sprays, and nasal irrigation. If nasal polyps—grape-like growths inside the nose—are causing sinusitis, these may also need to be addressed through medical or surgical means. Surgical treatment, known as Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS), aims to open the blocked sinuses and allow better drainage and healing. While surgery can provide significant relief, it does not cure the underlying causes such as polyps, which can regrow. Thus, ongoing medical treatment is often necessary.

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) and the European Position Paper on Rhinosinusitis and Nasal Polyps (EPOS) guidelines recommend exhausting medical treatment options before considering surgery, given the potential risks. These guidelines emphasize a patient-centered approach, ensuring individuals are informed about their condition and treatment options. As always, discussing these with a healthcare professional like Professor Vik Veer can provide personalised guidance tailored to your specific situation.

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If you would like to know more, please use the links on this page to understand better what the treatment options for these conditions are.

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Private secretary: 0207 458 4584


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A diagram showing the flow of air when a person is snoring.

Overview of Snoring & Sleep Apnoea

Hearing loss is a terrible burden on the individual and for those around them. There are so many different reasons why you might have hearing loss.

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